ST 295: Introduction to Foundations of Data Science with R

Dr. Elijah Meyer

This page contains an outline of the topics, content, and assignments for the semester. Note that this schedule will be updated as the semester progresses and the timeline of topics and assignments might be updated throughout the semester.

week dow date topic prepare slides ae_sa hw hw_sa q_sa exam notes
1 Tu 7 January Welcome to ST295
Tr 9 January Meet the toolkit
Fr 10 January

2 Tu 14 January Quarto, R, and summary stats
Tr 16 January ggplot2 layers I + tidy code
Fr 17 January

3 Tu 21 January ggplot2 layers II
Tr 23 January Visualizing various types of data
Fr 24 January

4 Tu 28 January Grammar of data wrangling
Tr 30 January Grammar of data wrangling II
Fr 31 January

5 Tu 4 February Working with multiple data frames
Tr 6 February Tidying data
Fr 7 February

6 Tu 11 February Wellness Day (No classes)
Tr 13 February Tidying data II
Fr 14 February

7 Tu 18 February Review material
Tr 20 February Exam-1
Fr 21 February

8 Tu 25 February Importing + recoding data
Tr 27 February Group work with GitHub: Merge Conflicts
Fr 28 February

9 Tu 4 March Visualizing time series data I Drop/Revision Deadline
Tr 6 March Visualizing time series data II
Fr 7 March

10 Tu 11 March Spring Break (No classes)
Tr 13 March Spring Break (No classes)
Fr 14 March

11 Tu 18 March Visualizing qualitative data I
Tr 20 March Visualizing qualitative data II
Fr 21 March

12 Tu 25 March Intro to regression + phrasing research questions
Tr 27 March Models with a single predictor
Fr 28 March

13 Tu 1 April Intro to multiple linear regression
Tr 3 April Multiple linear regression I
Fr 4 April

14 Tu 8 April Multiple linear regression II
Tr 10 April Multiple linear regression III
Fr 11 April

15 Tu 15 April Logistic Regression I
Tr 17 April Logistic Regression II
Fr 18 April

16 Tu 22 April Review material Last day of classes
Tr 24 April (No classes)
Fr 25 April

17 Tu 29 April

W 30 April