ggplot practice II

Lecture 6

Dr. Elijah Meyer

NC State University
ST 295 - Spring 2025



– Have you cloned the today’s AE repo?

– Have you cloned your homework repo?

  > Due Monday (11:59pm) on Gradescope 
  > Please reach out if you have any questions

– Are you keeping up with prepare material?

  > This includes making sure you can render a document to a PDF!

– Quiz-1 is graded. Reach out if you have questions!

– Quiz-2 comes out at noon; due Monday (11:59pm)

Video recordings

This class does not have classroom capture

We will Zoom record the screen, and I will post the videos to Moodle.

Note: I reserve the right to stop posting the videos if no one starts to show up…


We have calculated different summary statistics in this class so far. What does it mean to be a robust statistic?


Robust statistics


Why is body_mass_g not in quotes, but “Body Mass (grams)” is?

penguins |>
    aes(x = body_mass_g, y = flipper_length_mm, shape = species)
  ) +
  geom_point() + 
  labs(x = "Body Mass (grams)",
       y = "Flipper length (mm)")


Let’s introduce the kbl() function in R to control significant digits

You can do A LOT more with tables. Check the link out here

Today’s activity

– learn the difference between color and fill

– learn how to break apart a plot by another variable

– use color to our advantage

– layer geoms together



– Color outlines geom shapes; fill fills the color in (with a scatterplot being the exception)

– We can use facet_wrap() and facet_grid() to break plots apart by variables

– We need to think about using color strategically, instead of just coloring points blue for fun. Specifically, we can think about things like color blind friendly pallets.

– We can layer on multiple geoms… and order DOES matter!